KN1108v ATEN 宏正KVM over IP 8口 CAT5 切换器远程电脑管理方案 提供双IP、双电源并支持虚拟媒体功能
品牌: [查询该品牌全部商品] 单位:个 积分:0 重量:3570 克 KN1108v是一组内建IP功能的KVM控制设备,其提供双IP、双电源及串口控制端,并支持虚拟媒体功能,可让远程及本地的操作者从单一控制端监控及访问多台服务器。
KVM Over the NET™远程电脑管理方案


监控架构下各设备的运行状态也十分简单,其所提供的自动扫描功能按用户指定的时间间隔以端口到端口自动切换扫描。而画面分割功能(Panel Array Mode),可将多台电脑的视频画面在同时一起显示。
KN1108v也支持进阶的虚拟媒体功能,可将USB储存媒体,包括USB DVD/CD光驱及其它储存媒体连接至远程服务器;此功能可让管理人员从远程轻松地执行档案传输、安装应用程序与修补操作系统以及诊断问题;同时,管理员也可于世界任何角落从单一远程控制端,升级整体安装架构。此外,KN1108v提供双IP及双电源,因此当第一组IP或电源无法作用时,第二组IP或电源会自动接替作业。
通过这些强大的功能,KVM Over the NETTM切换器提供了快速、可靠及高成本效益的远程访问方式,以管理多服务器的系统架构。
*仅KA7175、KA7176及KA7177等品项支持1920x1200(Reduced blanking)分辨率
** 可兼容堆叠串联的KVM多电脑切换器包括:CS9134、CS9138、CS88A、KH1508、KH1516、KH1508A及KH1516A。
电脑连接数 | 直接 | 8 | |
最多 | 128 (堆叠串联) | ||
连接端口选择 | 按键 、GUI 、热键 | ||
接口 | 控制端连接端口 | 键盘 | 1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母头 (紫) 1 x USB Type A 母头 (白) |
屏幕 | 1 x HDB-15 母头 (蓝) | ||
鼠标 | 1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母头 (绿) 1 x USB Type A 母头 (白) | ||
KVM连接端口 | 8 x RJ-45 母头 | ||
电源 | 2 x 3叉交流电源插座 | ||
网络 | 2 x RJ-45 母头 | ||
PON | 1 x RJ-45 母头 | ||
调制解调器 | 1 x RJ-45 母头 | ||
串口 | 2 x RJ-45 母头 | ||
USB | 3 x USB Type A 母头 (白) | ||
笔电USB控制端(LUC)连接 | 1×USB Mini Type B 母头 (黑) | ||
音频 | 2 x 音频插孔 母头 | ||
切换开关 | 重置 | 1 x 半嵌式按键 | |
电源 | 2 x 翘板开关 | ||
连接端口选择 | 2 x 按键 | ||
LED指示灯 | 上线 | 8 (绿) | |
电源 | 1 (蓝) | ||
联机 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps |
1 (绿 / 绿 / 橘) | ||
模拟方式 | 键盘/鼠标 | PS/2 / USB (PC, Mac, Sun) / Serial | |
视讯分辨率 | 近端 | 1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz; 1920 x 1200*@60 Hz DDC2B | |
远程 | 1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz;1920 x 1200*@60 Hz DDC2B | ||
扫描区间 | 1-255 秒 | ||
输入额定值 | 100-240VAC; 50-60Hz; 1.0A | ||
耗电量 | 单一电源 | 120V/15W; 230V/16W | |
双电源 | 120V/17W; 230V/17W | ||
作业环境 | 操作温度 | 0 - 50˚C | |
储存温度 | -20 - 60˚C | ||
湿度 | 0–80% RH, 无凝结 | ||
型体特性 | 外壳 | 金属 | |
重量 | 3.57 kg | ||
尺寸 ( 长 x 宽 x 高 ) |
28.78 x 43.36 x 4.40 cm |
成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商
企业QQ: 4000281235
1-Local/1-Remote Access
8-Port Cat 5 KVM over IP Switch (1920 x 1200)
Aten´s new generation of KVM over IP switches - KN series allows local console access and remote over IP access for operators to monitor and access their entire data center over a network using a web-based browser. In addition, they offer out-of-band access with external modem support for BIOS-level troubleshooting when the network is down.
To help you manage and control an entire data center, our KVM over IP switches support blade servers and chassis. With powerful new features such as Power Association – KVM ports can be associated with ATEN PDU power outlets for power management of servers from the KVM over IP switches user interface.
KVM over IP switches now support the new Control Center Video Session Recorder (CCVSR) software. The CCVSR records all operations made on servers accessed through KVM over IP switches. Every operation and change from the BIOS level to logging in, from running software applications to configuring the operating system- is recorded and saved to a secure video file as evidence, without exception.
The Virtual Media function lets you map to storage media on USB, hard disk and DVD/CD drives located on remote servers – allowing administrators to conduct file transfers, install applications, run O.S. updates, or perform diagnostics across a network with ease.
Enhanced capabilities of KVM over IP switches also include: a Message Board, Panel Array Mode™, Mouse DynaSync™, Adapter ID and Secure Serial Server Access. The secure access to serial-controlled devices includes network equipment, UNIIX servers, Linux servers, Sun servers and many more serial consoles. It provides installation without needing expensive serial dongles.
With dual on-board NICs and dual power supplies, the KVM over IP switches are built for reliability, to ensure 24/7 availability of remote access to all server room computers.
With Aten KVM over IP switches IT administrators can manage their server rooms and data centers from practically anywhere – minimizing travel costs and MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)– ensuring the highest availability of data center services possible.