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CE790 ATEN 宏正 数字 式 KVM信号延长器 带音频 1920*1080
品牌:ATEN   [查询该品牌全部商品]
重量:1 克
规格:USB VGA Over IP KVM Extender (1920 x 1080)
CE790是一款具备自动判别连接线(Auto-MDIX)与RS-232串口功能的IP-Based KVM信号延长器,其可支持一组远程的USB控制端(USB键盘、显示器及USB鼠标)通过Intranet企业内部网络访问电脑系统。
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CE790是一款具备自动判别连接线(Auto-MDIX)与RS-232串口功能的IP-Based KVM信号延长器,其可支持一组远程的USB控制端(USB键盘、显示器及USB鼠标)通过Intranet企业内部网络访问电脑系统。

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CE790所具备的进阶功能包括: 1)信号发送设备(Transmitter)与接收设备(Receiver)均支持OSD屏幕选单,可简化设定与操作; 2) 使用价格实惠的Cat 5e连接线,在标准TCP/IP LAN局域网络内进行单点对单点、单点对多点、以及多点对多点的管理,不需额外加装KVM多电脑切换器; 3) 发送与接收设备均加装RS-232串行端口–连接串口终端设备以进行组态设定,或连接如触控式显示器与条形码扫瞄器的串口设备。



CE790 Diagram


功能 CE790T CE790R
接口 控制端 键盘 1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
显示器 1 x HDB-15 母头 (蓝)
鼠标 1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
扬声器 1 x Mini Stereo Jack 母头 (绿)
麦克风 1 x Mini Stereo Jack 母头 (粉红)
RS-232 1 x DB-9 母头 (黑) 1 x DB-9 公头 (黑)
电脑端 键盘/显示器/鼠标 1 x SPHD-15
母头 (黃)
扬声器 1 x Mini Stereo Jack (绿)
麦克风 1 x Mini Stereo Jack (粉红)
电源 1 x DC Jack (黑)
LAN 1 x RJ-45 母头 (黑)
按钮 OSD 1 x 按钮
选择 1 x 按钮
LED 指示灯 状态 1 (绿/橘)
电源 1 (绿/紅)
仿真功能 键盘/鼠标 USB
耗电量 DC5.3V/6.62W DC5.3V/6.36W
视频分辨率 高达 1920 x 1080
作业环境 操作温度 0 - 50°C
储存温度 -20 - 60°C
湿度 0-80% RH, 无凝结
机体属性 外壳 金属
重量 0.50 kg 0.48 kg
尺寸(长×宽×高) 20.00 x 8.00 x 2.50 cm


USB VGA Over IP KVM Extender (1920 x 1080@Unlimited Distance)  


The CE790 is a IP based KVM Extender with automatic cable detection (Auto-MDIX) and RS-232 serial functionality that allows access to a computer system from a remote USB console (USB keyboard, monitor, and USB mouse) anywhere on the intranet.

The CE790 improves on previous designs by: 1) the addition of an intuitive On Screen Display (OSD) on both the transmitter and receiver units for easy setup and operation; 2) working over a standard TCP/IP LAN via inexpensive Cat 5e cable, allowing point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-to-multipoint administration without the need for an additional KVM switch; and 3) the addition of an RS-232 port, on both the transmitter and receiver Units - to connect to a serial terminal for configuration, and serial devices such as touchscreens and barcode scanners.

* The CE790 can be installed in point to point, point to multipoint and multipoint to multipoint configurations. Multipoint configurations require a separate purchase - contact your delear for details.

* In multipoint configurations, the IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) function of your network switches/hubs should be enabled to avoid deterioration of data throughput. If you do not know how to enable IGMP, please contact your network administrator.


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Package Contents

1x CE790T Digital KVM Extender (Transmitter)

1x CE790R Digital KVM Extender (Receiver)

1x USB KVM Cable (CE790T)

2x Power Adapters

1x Mounting Kit

1x User Instructions

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Remotely access computers on your KVM installation via intranet

Dual console operation - control your system from both the transmitter and receiver USB consoles

OSD (On Screen Display) on both the transmitter and receiver units

Supports GUI operation*

No software required - an HTTP server is embedded in both units

Built-in ASIC for greater reliability and compatibility

USB Keyboard and USB Mouse Ports

RS-232 serial ports** - allows you to connect to a serial terminal for configuration, or serial devices such as touchscreens and barcode scanners

Audio enabled

USB overcurrent detection and prevention

High resolution video - up to 1920 x 1080

Supports widescreen formats

Ultra-High quality video mode

Hot pluggable

Rack mountable

Firmware upgradable

Auto-MDIX - automatically detects cable type


* The CE790 AP and GUI operation instructions can be downloaded from the ATEN website (www.aten.com).

** RS-232 serial ports support Tx/Rx signals only.

 成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商  

企业QQ:  4000281235


